Szabo Miki Erno

Web Developer

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Education and Experience


2020 - present

Freelance Web Developer

Worked and working on various projects as a freelancer, my services include: building complete web apps, cross-platform apps, data scrapers, complex database schemas, bug fixes, responsive designs, integrating APIs, adding third-party services, and refactoring legacy codebases.

PHP CSS HTML JavaScript Bootstrap Laravel MySQL Vue jQuery ElasticSearch NodeJS Webpack Linux Apache Nginx Nuxt Vuetify Electron Capacitor

Personal Projects

2020 - present

Web Developer & Founder

Working on a few project ideas of my own at the moment some as a hobby and some that I want to launch publicly. My projects include AI image generation, data scrapers, bots, tools for NFTs, tools, and directories for local businesses.

PHP CSS HTML JavaScript Laravel MySQL Vue ElasticSearch NodeJS Webpack AI WASM Nuxt Vuetify Electron Capacitor


2017 - 2020

Independent Contractor - Web Developer

Worked as a full-time contractor on multiple products for Newswire. My tasks included: building a new product used for media monitoring, maintaining and updating existing products, updating and refactoring older codebase, code reviews, bugfixes, and basic server management.

PHP CSS HTML JavaScript Bootstrap Laravel CodeIgniter MySQL Vue jQuery ElasticSearch NodeJS Webpack Linux Apache Nginx


2015 - 2017

Freelance Web Developer

Worked on various projects as a freelancer, my services included: setting up a LAMP stack, building custom online platforms, integrating third-party services, PSD to Html, creating responsive website designs, on-site SEO optimization, speed optimizations, keyword research, and custom tasks.

PHP CSS HTML JavaScript Bootstrap Laravel SEO WordPress CodeIgniter Yii MySQL Vue jQuery




Co-Founded and launched my SAAS. A domain marketplace, utilizing many external services: Moz, Majestic, Ahrefs, Dynadot, Freedomainapi, Waybackmachine, and PayPal via their APIs and has its own internal API used by a modified jcrawler.

PHP CSS HTML JavaScript Bootstrap Laravel SEO

Babes Bolyai University

2015 - 2017


Mathematics-Informatics Profile. Studied various programming languages, like C, C++, Java, etc., some scripting languages, and software architecture.

C C++ Java PHP Bash Statistics MySQL C#


2014 - 2015

IT Guy

An import and export company's local branch. My tasks included rebuilding their website (, creating an administration panel to manage their products, categories, newsletters, clients, and for the users to follow their orders, save products, etc. Being the only IT guy at the company my responsibilities also included maintenance, data analysis, email campaigns, and SEO.

PHP CSS HTML Javascript Bootstrap Laravel SEO Online Marketing

Real Life Ltd.

2013 - 2014

Jr. Web Developer

I was working on the company's main product, an online business management panel which was and is still used by many local businesses. It has many different modules for managing leads, stocks, transportation, clients, transactions, employees, conversations, tasks, online shopping and many many others. We also built custom websites for clients.


Sapientia EMTE University

2012 - 2014


Mathematics-Informatics Profile. Studied various programming languages, like C, C++, Java, etc., some scripting languages, and software architecture.

C C++ Java PHP Bash Statistics MySQL C#


2009 - 2012


During my high school years, I've built and wrote content for a few blogs. I've tried various platforms and technologies to monetize my content online, like AdSense and affiliate marketing.

HTML Blogspot CSS WordPress Affiliate Marketing

Bolyai Farkas High School

2008 - 2012


Mathematics-Informatics Profile. Studied the basics of coding and the use of various tools, like the Microsoft office suite. Learned to write very basic software in C/C++. Learned about some important algorithms and the basics of software architecture.


Hello World!



Skills marked with Pro - I use on a daily basis, and I keep up with the latest changes and updates very often.

Skills marked with Advanced - I use multiple times a week, and I keep up with major changes and updates.

Skills marked with Intermediate - I used or use professionally on several occasions and I keep up with the updates and development on a per-need basis.

Skills marked with Beginner - I used once or twice professionally or only ever used on a hobby level.

Laravel Pro
NodeJS Advanced
Nuxt Advanced
REST APIs Advanced
CodeIgniter Intermediate
Python Beginner
Vue Pro
Vuetify Pro
JavaScript Advanced
CSS/SASS Advanced
jQuery Advanced
Bootstrap Advanced
Webpack Intermediate
Eloquent Pro
MySQL Advanced
ElasticSearch Intermediate
Hybrid Development
Electron Advanced
Capacitor Advanced
Server and Hosting
Docker Advanced
Domain & Hosting Advanced
DevOPS Intermediate
Puppeteer Advanced
SEO Advanced
WASM Intermediate
WordPress Intermediate
Online Marketing Intermediate
AI Beginner
DOTA2 Dendi